Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Snow, Snow and More Snow

                   If you haven't seen the news yet today, then you probably should take a look. Now, keep in mind, I live in Western New York and we are in the middle of blizzard warnings and as I type, I am watching the news. The snow in Buffalo has gotten to, not inches, but feet. And now they are saying that we might now even have enough salt for the roads. If this is only the beginning, it is going to be the worse winter ever. I thought it was over when it ended last year but...

           In a much happier note, after opening weekend, my dad got 3 doe. He gave one to the farmer that let him hunt on his land. And we are in the middle of processing it. He also gave me the two hearts for my science teacher but, I am not going to school today sooooooo...

The Weather Outside is Frightful...


I hope you are safe in this crappy weather today.

~Kaila R. Dick~

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sickness, Brats and Boys

              I am not that fond of boring books. I had to randomly say that because, in my English class I have to read an "AIR Book." Those things are not fun and mine is an endless loop of nothingness. I want more action. It is called "Flight" and it is about a girl who has wings. You think that it would be fun and amazing but it really is not. i swear, nothing happens. And I have more problems with 7th graders who have taken it upon their personal "To Do List" to ruin my life. The funny thing is though, it is only the girls. Shocker right!?!?!?!?!? I think, like I said, This is going to be a long school year. GRRRRRRRR!!! This isn't even fun.

         My brothers and I are home sick right now. I don't like being sick. I know I sound whiny right now in this blog post but it isn't fun reading boring books and being sick and having the 7th grade girls be mean.

       Okay. Now for the good things. I finally got asked to homecoming. He sent me the sweetest thing in the world. He knows my favorite color in the world is camouflage. So he sent me the sweetest email in the world. It was a pink camo heart and the words said, "This is for you because this is how I feel." I wanted to give him a great big hug!! It was super sweet. I have been looking for a homecoming dress though. Do any of you know any good dress shops in Olean or Buffalo? I need to find a good dress. And don't be shy to comment.

        So, I have a question. Is my blog boring or to short? I want tips for how I can make it better. I know I tend to jump around and say random things a lot but it is all true. It is just the order it all pops into my head. Thanks for reading!!!

~Kaila R. Dick~

Friday, September 5, 2014


                    Okay, rough-ish week guys. I have finally gotten a new friend!!! It is the new girl. Her name is Kaitlyn and she came from lord-knows-where. She has family in England (I think that's where she is from) and in the USA. I found out 3 or 4 days ago that she lives down the road and has been for 2 weeks. She is ultra-super nice and she hasn't ditched me yet like other people. But I had just started school yesterday. It was crummy. 6:30 in the morning, first off, is NOT a plesant time to wake up. Second, some people who just came to the high school are NOT very nice. One girl is my old friend's cousin. She has decided that I am the only person in the whole wide world that she hates. She has made it pretty clear that I will never be liked. Her and a select few others. One girl though that I am not partial to moved but a girl sort-of like her came back. I had a problem though. In my mom's most recent blog she said some stuff that I don't want to type but... I am going to tell a small secret. The whole ex-bff thing is true. I am sooo super mad and wont talk to her. But my one friend (who will remain anonymous) said a few things to me today and ignored me for the rest of the day. It is rare that I make new friends and most ditch me at one point or another for another person. And usually it is a really snobby girl who hates me... I think that is the way that some people are going to go but I refuse to follow. I want to be good with good grades and a nice school year. But this year will probably be a 4th grade repeat. I will have kids who hate me and will end up making me shyer and more of a stay-in-the-corner person. I just broke that and I am probably going to do it again if I don't pick friends wisely.

               So off the school subject... I just read my mom's blog and  found out that my grandfather's time on this planet is running shorter than I thought. It is one sore subject for me now. I don't want to talk about it more.

             That's about it. Here is the selfie that I am going to send to my English teacher. It was the wierdest homework assignment I have ever had to do.

            That's it!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!

~Kaila R. Dick~

Monday, August 18, 2014


       Okay, so I haven't put any pictures on yet. I have been working on it so here is my last try.

      Yay!!!!!! I got it finally. So. I am super exited to get the ball rolling on this. I will try to get some more pictures in but to upload them on to the computer it takes FOREVER and it is a major pain in the butt. That being said, lets get the ball rolling once and for all!

      Saturday we had a good time but there were some not-so-fun moments... My mom did the color run and RAN it. She had a lot of fun! That same night we went to the Holland Speedway to watch the races. We got through the qualifiers when it started to pour. We got wet. So we went home but on the way we had to get some gas. 7-11 had slurpies for a cheep price but we didn't get those. We went to McDonald's and got their dipped cones. All I have to say is, you get what you paid for. The chocolate shell thing was rock-hard and the ice-cream was melted in it. We got covered in it. I was furious. When we got home we went right to bed. Then on Sunday (yesterday) we went back-to-school shopping. And it was amazing!!!!! I am now VERY exited for 8th grade!!!!!!! That's is what my weekend was and I loved it a lot!!! Have a nice week everyone!

~Kaila R. Dick~

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Colors of the Rainbow and all Things Insane

            Okay. So you know the color run in Buffalo, New York. My mom is there right now running in that race. She is going to be sneezing out colorful dust for about a month after this. I hope she had fun because AHHHH!!! She will be a rainbow.

          Recently I discovered Shakira music. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a link to my favorite two songs. The first is Empire and the second is Hips Don't Lie.


Hips Don't Lie

This is it for now. Tonight we are going to the races but that's it...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tire Swings, Agravation and George

       Okay, I have quite the post for you today. As usual I babysat today but it was a bit more strange today than normal. We did our normal routine but when it came time to get Lexi and Joe it got weird. We just did what was normal, ate lunch and went to the playground. We went to the tire swing (Me, Lexi and George) and after a few minutes, we got sick. We spun a little too fast and we got sick. George got a little too sick and needed to be carried 1/4 of a mile home. Well he forgot his favorite pair of sunglasses and wanted me to go get them. At this point I was sick, sweating like there was no tomorrow and HAD to run back. (That's what happens when a 4-year-old forgets his sunglasses.) So back I went but on the way I saw a woman who was at the playground when we left, so I asked her if she saw them and gave described what they looked like. She saw them and told me another kid was checking them out when she left so I ran as fast as possible. Sure enough there was a little boy who looked to be 2 who was sitting next to them deciding weather or not to take them. His mom called him to her so I took the glasses and went home. George wasn't upset when I got there. He was bouncing off the walls (honest).

     This past weekend was town yard sale day so my mom took us to go around town and look at stuff. George got a Batman cape. Today was his Pre-K screening and he was pretending to be Batman. So I told him that when they ask for his name, to say that he is Batman and to tell them he must go to his bat-mobile to fight crime. Lets see if it works!!!

    That's all for now but thanks sooooooo much for reading! I hope you like it!

~Kaila R. Dick~

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


        I just got a new Google account as put in my last post (My mom loved the surprise) and I have been playing around with the stuff on it. I have found out it was a Google+ account. But I never said why did I? Well, here is my reason.

      Yesterday I was watching YouTube and wanted to comment on a funny video. I was signed in to my account from the school (Google) and it wouldn't let me get a YouTube account. That was it. I had it with that account not letting me do anything but blog and get emails. It was boring and I don't like boring. So I made a new account and got a new email address. I was so happy! And I was (like the normal me) messing with it when I came across a tab that said home and profile and things like that. So I hit the profile button. I have all my blog posts on it and I can comment on it. I can also find my friends and family. So I messed with it more and got to see my mom's account and my dad's account but I haven't followed them quite yet. I just wanted to see if it worked. And it did, soooo. I love Google and now I love it even more!!!

      That's that for the Google thing. The kids are getting ready to go to Summer Rec. at the school. Lexi and Joe are running a bit late but not by much. And George is in the rocking chair ("Snuggle Chair") and just waking up. Today is going to be the average day but that's fun! Bye!!!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014


        Hey guys!! I made a new Google account and I MUST have my blog. I am working on getting it pretty and longer than the last posts. I am also working on making them better and a bit funnier (because otherwise no one will read it and it will be ULTRA lame and boring.) So ...Without any more crap... my blog!!!!

       I have been babysitting my siblings lately and the school has this thing called Summer Rec. It is where you can take the kids pre-k through 6th grade, to the school and they do activities. Then at noon they give anyone under 18 a free lunch. Lexi and Joe are going for now and George is going soon. We ship Lexi and Joe off at 8:45 A.M. and they stay till George and I go get them. Then we eat lunch. When we are done we go to the playground. So we have a bit of fun. Today was my mom's birthday and we didn't go. Instead we went to the local grocery store (that we live across the road from) and got her a card.  Then we got her chocolate. (Turtles to be exact) We are going to surprise her tonight. I am making her favorite dinner (Chicken  Alfraido with broccoli) and then we will give her the cake and ice-cream and chocolate! She will be soooooooo happy!!!! 

      George got his staples out. He got hit in the head with a rock at a birthday party when he and some other kids were throwing them into the creek. It was an accident but it was bad. As my mom puts it, "He looked like he came fresh from a horror movie. He had blood pooled in his hair and it was streaming down his face. In his ears, mouth and eyes when he came over the small ledge crying." He is okay now but we had another medical issue to bring up when he went to get the staples out yesterday. George has this thing where he wakes up in the dead of night or first thing in the morning and he can't breath. Mom told the doctor about it and the old subscrition wasn't working so mom got on her case again. She listened to his heart and it wasn't beating right. So he got a new medicine for his machine and is going to get it better checked on Friday. I am hoping he is okay because I am worried. 

     My best friend came for 20 days and went back on Thursday to Michigan. They wanted me to go with her but I can't. I had too much to do in New York so now I may or may not go in August. I don't know though. We will see. 

   That's about it for now so, bye!!!

})i({ Kaila })i({