Tuesday, July 29, 2014


        Hey guys!! I made a new Google account and I MUST have my blog. I am working on getting it pretty and longer than the last posts. I am also working on making them better and a bit funnier (because otherwise no one will read it and it will be ULTRA lame and boring.) So ...Without any more crap... my blog!!!!

       I have been babysitting my siblings lately and the school has this thing called Summer Rec. It is where you can take the kids pre-k through 6th grade, to the school and they do activities. Then at noon they give anyone under 18 a free lunch. Lexi and Joe are going for now and George is going soon. We ship Lexi and Joe off at 8:45 A.M. and they stay till George and I go get them. Then we eat lunch. When we are done we go to the playground. So we have a bit of fun. Today was my mom's birthday and we didn't go. Instead we went to the local grocery store (that we live across the road from) and got her a card.  Then we got her chocolate. (Turtles to be exact) We are going to surprise her tonight. I am making her favorite dinner (Chicken  Alfraido with broccoli) and then we will give her the cake and ice-cream and chocolate! She will be soooooooo happy!!!! 

      George got his staples out. He got hit in the head with a rock at a birthday party when he and some other kids were throwing them into the creek. It was an accident but it was bad. As my mom puts it, "He looked like he came fresh from a horror movie. He had blood pooled in his hair and it was streaming down his face. In his ears, mouth and eyes when he came over the small ledge crying." He is okay now but we had another medical issue to bring up when he went to get the staples out yesterday. George has this thing where he wakes up in the dead of night or first thing in the morning and he can't breath. Mom told the doctor about it and the old subscrition wasn't working so mom got on her case again. She listened to his heart and it wasn't beating right. So he got a new medicine for his machine and is going to get it better checked on Friday. I am hoping he is okay because I am worried. 

     My best friend came for 20 days and went back on Thursday to Michigan. They wanted me to go with her but I can't. I had too much to do in New York so now I may or may not go in August. I don't know though. We will see. 

   That's about it for now so, bye!!!

})i({ Kaila })i({

1 comment:

  1. I will just be happy to see mom happy. And I left one thing out, my puppy Turbo ate a bee and got all swelled up and looked funny. He is fine now of coarse.
